Jake Needham takes you to Thailand on another Jack Shepherd adventure. This time around, we get to know a young DEA lawyer, Lucas Ryan, before Jack enters the story. Ryan spends time getting over jet lag and wondering why he’s there. Something about investigating money laundry operations in that part of the world, he’s been told, but we learn it’s much more. This is before the year 2001, and Al-Qaeda operatives are up to something.
Jack works alongside Lucas in uncovering why people who seem close to this plot have a habit of dying. As he does, Needham takes you through the streets and dives of Bangkok with the smells and grit coming from the writing. You are there. No one describes that part of the world better than Needham.
Everybody knows what happens 9/11, but Needham casts an intriguing backstory. As Needham himself says when the book finishes, it’s all made up. But, what a story.