Since the genre for my Nicholas Foxe series is Technothriller, I am always interested in the latest Technothriller hit and Unmasked does not disappoint. L.T. Ryan and Gregory Scott have created a fine read blending action and cutting-edge technology. It is a perfect fit for a crisp 222 pages providing the reader with a quick page-turner for a couple of enjoyable evenings.
Ryan and Scott serve up a good story introducing a new hero that every action fan will enjoy. They add to that some technical intrigue some readers may want to pass over. As a former IBMer, I chose to study it. I don’t know much about blockchain and cryptocurrency more than a Wired Magazine article could provide, and those technologies are the essence of the plot. But I know that Ryan and Scott are opening themselves up to some techies picking apart those elements.
For example, here is a passage from the book: “Blake monitored his laptop as the device connected to Beck’s computer wirelessly transmitted every bit of data on his hard drive and RAM to Blake’s system.” That stopped me. Just how fast was the WIFI in that coffee shop? Even if the two laptops were hard-wired connected port to port, we are talking at least more than an hour to transmit the contents of the average hard disk.
So, put that aside and enjoy the writing and the plot. Ryan and Scott do a good job, starting from the first few pages, in revealing how a robbery gets more and more odd and, yes, creepy.
To sum it up, read for the plot, enjoy the tech parts if you can, but get this book.